Do you have a strong social media presence? If not, you could be missing out on a key self-marketing strategy. Now more than ever, social media is a powerful business tool to effectively build your brand and take it to the next level. Social media allows you to effectively engage with target prospects, share insights, network with thought leaders – and ultimately grow your business.

1. Focus your efforts – It is important to understand the best platforms that will help you reach your target audience before creating a marketing strategy. LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram are the top 3 platforms where you will likely generate the most conversation and hopefully, more business & connections. LinkedIn is the best platform to engage with prospects and other business contacts. Twitter is quick and allows you to post more frequently, engage/retweet network information and offer tidbits of relevant information. Instagram is for your visuals! Create infographics, quick videos, business tutorials, etc., and drive traffic to another platform, website or blog. Facebook is also a great networking & marketing tool – but you may want to create a separate business page when FB is part of your strategy.

2. Share high-quality content - When your content is relevant, attention-grabbing, and piques the interest of your followers and potential followers, conversion happens! Whether that is a new contact, traffic to your website, social media engagement, or a sale, high-quality content is attractive and can help win over potential sales leads.

3. Use relevant hashtags - So your content is created – it is high-quality, accurately represents you and your firm – now how do you get people to see it? Hashtags! Using popular hashtags increases your following and allows those that you may not be connected to on social media, to see your content. This increases the likelihood of a new follower, share, comment, sale, etc.

4. Market influence - Social media allows you to spotlight your experience and expertise. People generally do business with people they like and trust – by influencing your market, people are more likely to work with you.

5. Be engaged - Communicate & stay active on your platforms by creating a posting schedule, commenting back to your followers, and joining the conversations. Social media is fast-paced and constantly changing so research, ask questions, and stay engaged with your network. Social media is effective when the focus is not solely on YOU, but around your output and interactions with your followers.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a note at We look forward to connecting!